Hey... July 7th! It`s Tanabata!
What is your wishes? Me? I hope I can participate this year concert as well!! Yeay!
It`s summer already! Time for Fireworks!! Yeay!
“It” in his heart, now!
Reliance on his earnest thought, Ninomiya Kazunari could reach the only way he through so far.
Though the seasons changed, his road is still going on.
On a building rooftop near the beach. When he lighted the firework, the wind blew the smoke in a twinkle. We were worried and asked if the sparks came into him or not, he laughed and answered [No problem]. [Don`t you know how big the pillar of fire stands near by me in a concert? (lol)].
It feels like summer comes early when we smell the mixture of the fireworks in the sea winds. So, we asked him about the smell he likes.
[I like the smell of new laptop at the moment I open it. I also like the smell of books. I think I like the smell of inorganic things. Smelling the aroma of the sea, foods, and animals is something natural. I don`t really care about fragrance or bad odor because they are exist for reasons. But for inorganic things, maybe I fond of them because I wonder why they are smelled like that.]
Human is one of organic things, what do you think about their aroma? There is an explanation that the love starts because of this couple feels and fond their aroma each other instinctively.
[You mean that the aroma comes first? Don`t you think that they could adore that aroma after they fell in love? (lol) For example, you got on a crowded train and the middle age man who standing near you was really smelly. It`s because you don`t know about that man so you can`t hold it. It`s because you don`t acknowledge him, you can`t think else than smelly, right? With the same man, but if he is your lovely dad, I think you won`t think him smelly and if, you don`t like it, it`s absolutely the smell (lol). I think good smell and bad odor are inseparable. A woman who used perfume still get smelly after eating BBQ (lol). That`s why I don`t care about someone`s odor, and of course about mine also. It`s because I don`t have any interest about myself.]
“I`m not interested in myself.” is his habit phrase. In that dry phrase, there is meaning of I don`t look for myself, I don’t think about myself.
[I think it`s the way of thinking that I became accustomed to since I live in this world. I always think that it`s a waste when I objectively saw the people around me worrying about getting the real of them out. Definitely, there is case where the talenst could decide their character scope. However, it`s not just about getting out their real and compete with it. There`s case when it can`t be a job for them so that`s why they need to make a character. That`s why I think the energy that they use to worry about something like “the audience just see the liar of me or I want to express the real of me” becomes a waste. Don`t you think both of them are still yourself? (lol). Like me, I switch on myself when I appear on tv, and me who is talking here too is different, but still both of them are the real me. Moreover, it`s up to the people who see me to give their thought.]
Nino said that if you could throw the notion of “wanting to express the real of you”, you would feel light.
[That`s why in the end I behave freely. Beside the work, there`s no need for me to hold “myself” too much. What I think about “my style”, is almost wrong (lol). The works that I did after pushing out the opposite from surrounding, are rarely showing good results. If I was too picky about myself, it just would be another burden. Moreover, I never have thought like “Breaking the rules “ or “In front of idol is a man”. (lol)]
Then, the people who expresses that “I want to find myself” is not only the entertainer.
[Now, through internet you can use open space and express yourself and you can say whatever you want to say. But I still don’t get it. For example writing eyewitness report of celebrity in SNS. Don’t you think that kind of information would be more interesting sharing in a closed place than open it to the society? For example, class and work place limited. I think it would be more interesting if you share it just with your friend secretly.]
He said, It`s better not to show all of things, not to speak all of things.
[The things that should be spoken out is error-prone, right? Especially, “my words” tends to be false. Not only me, but speaking in open space is entertainer`s job. In those words there are considerations and responsible, so we have to think about the meanings and the importance. So there are many people who could use SNS effectively. But for the people who use it in order to get attention by leaking information irresponsibly is not funny for me and it`s just a waste. For example, there are many actors in a filming site. There are a group who try to get attention and a group who don`t try, but conversely the group who left impression the most is the group that don`t try to get attention. Than saying “find me”, everyone maybe will come for you by saying “don’t look for me” (lol).]
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Posted by: Addictedtoarashi | 07/08/2014 at 01:02 PM
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Posted by: Humz | 07/08/2014 at 10:28 PM